NEW RushTera is LIVE

RushTera enters a new era of no limits for the film post-production & distribution world.
Upgraded for a smooth and easy experience, whatever the scale of your business.


Sharing and distributing large media files in a creative way has always been a hassle especially in  the film and media production industry. It is either elegant but with limitations in size and upload speed or with high capacity but rather a bland experience. But why compromise?

We at RushTera listened to your struggles and concerns and here we are introducing our brand new platform with the best of both worlds; no limits whatever the scale of your business and unique features that ensure your work is shared with your colors.

RushTera is the best solution for you if you’re part of the post-production, sales and distribution processes in the film industry.

We offer you ideal tools to collaborate, manage, share, distribute and deliver your media files elegantly and securely. Whether it is a large DCP file or huge folders of dailies, movies, trailers, etc. you will find a suitable feature to get it done in the most efficient way.  

What to expect by using RushTera ?

Oh and did we mention LIMITLESS yet. Yes, we took into account the large scale of your work and made RushTera so you won’t worry anymore about the size of files and folders exchanged. 

Want to give it a try ? Sign up for a FREE Trial now

All of this at the right value for money as we chose to offer flexible plans adjusted to your scale of work and the size of your company. We even offer the option of using RushTera for specific projects with a limited period of time. Contact SALES to learn more about this offer.

If you have any enquiries about our product please reach out to us anytime HERE.

We promise the best customer service and technical support in the market. So what are you waiting for ? Give it a try and get your work done in the most efficient way possible. 

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